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Photo Credit: Lerna Mankeoğlu


Born in 1975, she studied in Ankara, Paris, Brussels and London. Following her MSc at the London School of Economics she worked for two years

at CSFB – a global investment bank - as research associate. In 2001 she resigned from her job and decided to study photography in London.

She returned to Turkey in 2002. She works as a freelance photographer in Istanbul and a number of her articles have been published in various magazines and newspapers.


Her first exhibition “Memory” was during the IFSAK Istanbul Photography Days in November 2003. Subsequently she participated in a number of exhibitions. “City” as part of Istanbul Fragmented in 2005 in one of the parallel activities of the 9th Istanbul Biennale. Following this, as part of the parallel activities of the 2007 Istanbul Biennale, she had an exhibition with Murat Germen at the French Institute of Istanbul entitled "Construct".


Her latest exhibition was in 2017 and was entitled "Towards Perfection". It was exhibited at the French Institute of Istanbul.

She has given photography lectures at the Architecture Faculty of Istanbul Technical University.

She contributes to the section Photo of the Day of to the Hurriyet Daily News regularly.

© 2018 by Nazlı Sanberk

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